About the Chartered Institute of Linguists

The Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL) is the pre-eminent UK-based professional membership body for language practitioners. It aims to enhance and promote the value of languages and language skills in the public interest.
Founded in 1910, the Institute has almost 6,000 Fellows, Members, Associates and Student members. It aims to:

  • Serve the professional interests of its members
  • Set standards and provide nationally accredited and other professional qualifications through its associated charity and Ofqual-recognised Awarding Organisation, the IoL Educational Trust (IoLET)
  • Be an authoritative voice promoting the learning and use of languages, and the professional status of language work
  • Advise on policy and strategy affecting languages

The organisation runs a scheme of Continuing Professional Development events, providing an opportunity for linguists to maintain their skills. Three Divisions and eight regional Societies in the UK and abroad are flourishing, offering members workshops, lectures and social events.

The IoL Educational Trust offers accredited vocational qualifications, and presents awards for achievement in language learning and contributions towards fostering the study of languages.

Practising CIOL members are qualified, experienced professionals for whom extensive knowledge of one or more foreign languages is a prerequisite for their work. They may, for example, be translators, interpreters, teachers of modern foreign languages, university lecturers or professionals who use their foreign language skills as a core part of their role in business, the professions or government.

Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL) /
IoL Educational Trust (IoLET)

Dunstan House (4th floor)
14a St Cross Street

T: +44 (0) 207 940 3100